A promising Year for Harvestfresh: Innovation and Developments for 2023
There is innovation and development in the works for the Harvestfresh farms this year. With exciting objectives in place for their seedling and farming operation, and a focus on a n...

Press Statement - Harvestfresh Launches New Packhouse Facility
HarvestFresh, a large commercial fresh produce agro-processor and a member of the Thebe Investment Corporation Group of companies recently launched its new processing facility, increasing its produ...

Mandela Day 2021
This past weekend, Harvestfresh reached out once again to our local community - this time, to honour and contribute for Mandela Day!
Midvaal Local Municipality Donation Program
Since the beginning of December 2020, Harvestfresh Farms (Pty) Ltd has been working with Lynca Meats to donate vegetable and meat parcels to desperate families that have lost their source of income...

2020 Season's Greetings!
We, the Harvestfresh team, would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who supported us this year. We appreciate all our loyal clients, customers and stakeholders! <...

Kickstarting the Christmas Spirit!
What a year this has been! Looking back at all the stress, worries, ups and downs, it is certainly refreshingt to start the last month of this year with a positive and hopeful bang! Read More